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Structural Engineering
Water and Environmental Engineering
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Environmental Engineering

Zwei Wissenschaftler im Labor, Studierende messen am Wellenkanal, eine Windenergieanlage Zwei Wissenschaftler im Labor, Studierende messen am Wellenkanal, eine Windenergieanlage Zwei Wissenschaftler im Labor, Studierende messen am Wellenkanal, eine Windenergieanlage © FBG / C. Bierwagen

The challenges of protecting the environment and our resources are global in scale: The "Resources and Environment" specialisation in the master's degree programme in Environmental Engineering therefore guarantees an attractive range of courses that are geared to the current and future requirements of environmental engineers with an international orientation.

Application for "Resources and Environment" is suspended

Please note: It is currently not possible to apply for the English study track "Resources and Environment".

Alternatively, take a look at the international Master's programme "Water Resources and Environmental Management" (WATENV).

Information for current students of Environmental Engineering

Your Contact

© FBG/C.Bierwagen
Dean of Studies' Office Civil Engineering
Consultation Hours: Mon, 10:30 - 12:00, on site or by phone via +49 511 762 4755 und +49 511 762 12322
Callinstraße 34
30167 Hannover
© FBG/C.Bierwagen
Dean of Studies' Office Civil Engineering
Consultation Hours: Mon, 10:30 - 12:00, on site or by phone via +49 511 762 4755 und +49 511 762 12322
Callinstraße 34
30167 Hannover

Course Advisor

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Köster
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Köster
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover