Key facts about Erasmus+
- numerous partner universities in Europe
- Exchange possible in Bachelors' and Masters' programmes as well as in doctoral studies
- one or two semesters (depending on the number and occupancy of places at the partner university)
- grants available
- support with organisational and academic supervision
- a waiver of tuition fees at the partner university
- academic credit transfer of your work abroad
Application for a stay abroad in the Erasmus+ programme
The application procedure consists of several steps and requires a few months' notice. Before you apply, seek advice from the exchange coordinator. Here, you will also get information on other exchange programmes.
Application procedure and deadlines
Application to the exchange coordinator (by mid-January)
For a place in the Erasmus programme for the following winter semester or the next summer semester, submit a written application along with the following documents:
- Brief letter of motivation
- Current transcripts
- University of choice, and at least two possible alternative destinations
- Proof of your language skills in the intended language of instruction
Please send your application to the respective exchange coordinator (Civil Engineering or Geodesy and Geoinformatics).
Selection of candidates (until 5 February)
Selection of Erasmus students by the exchange coordinators
If the number of places available at individual universities are too few, we try to find suitable places at other universities in consultation with the applicants. You will then receive a notification from us as to whether you have received a place.
Application via online form (until 15 February)
The selected students must apply online at the website of the International Office of Leibniz University Hannover until 15 February.
Nomination at the partner university
The International Office or the Exchange Coordinators inform the partner universities about the candidacy of the selected students (nomination). The partner universities then inform the students about the further application procedure and the application deadlines. In exceptional cases, you might have to ask the partner university for this information yourself or look for information on the partner university's website.
Application to partner university
The nominated students independently apply to the partner university as "Erasmus exchange students". Normally, the official admission of the students by the partner university follows.
Application for mobility grant (by 15 July)
Submit the following documents to the International Office:
- Printed online form,
- Copy of the admission letter from the host university,
- Declaration of acceptance of the mobility grant in the International Office for the application for financial support (approx. 150€ to 252€ per month, depending on the country category),
- Copy of the Learning Agreement signed by the home and host universities,
- Notification to the tax office in duplicate.
ERASMUS+ Programme Civil Engineering
The following ERASMUS partner universities are available for students of civil engineering. For further information please contact the exchange coordinators of the faculty or the International Office.
University | Country | Placements | B.Sc. | M.Sc. | PhD. | comment |
Technische Universität Prag | Czech Republic | 1 | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Aalborg Universitet | Denmark | 2 | Yes | |||
University of Southern Denmark | Denmark | 2 | Yes | Yes | ||
UPC Barcelona | Spain | 3 | Yes | Yes | ||
Universidad de Salamanca, Campus Ávila | Spain | 3 | Yes | Yes | ||
Aalto University, Espoo | Finland | 2 | Yes | Yes | ||
ENGEES Strasbourg | France | 2 | Yes | Yes | ||
ENS Paris Saclay, Cachan | France | 2 | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble | France | 1 | Yes | Yes | ||
Université d’Orleans | France | 1 | Yes | Yes | ||
University of the Aegean | Greece | 3 | Yes | Yes | Yes | Marine Sciences |
Università di Bologna | Italy | 1 | Yes | |||
Universität Cagliari | Italy | 1 | Yes | Yes | ||
Seconda Università degli Studi, Neapel | Italy | 2 | Yes | Yes | ||
Universitetet i Agder | Norway | 2 | Yes | Yes | ||
Instituto Politécnico de Beja | Portugal | 2 | Yes | Yes | ||
Politechnika Gdanska | Poland | 2 | Yes | Yes | ||
Politechnika Poznanska | Poland | 2 | Yes | Yes | ||
Politechnika Slaska Gliwice | Poland | 2 | Yes | Yes | ||
Luleå University of Technology | Sweden | 1 | Yes | Yes | ||
Universität Bratislava | Slowakia | 3 | Yes | Yes | ||
University of Zilina | Slowakia | 3 | Yes | Yes | Yes | |
Çankaya Üniversitesi, Ankara | Turkey | 2 | Yes | Yes | ||
Technische Universität Trondheim | Norway | 2 | Yes | Windenergie-Ingenieurwesen | ||
Universitet Uppsala, Campus Gotland, Visby | Sweden | 2 | Yes | Yes | Windenergie-Ingenieurwesen |
ERASMUS partner universities geodesy and geoinformatics
The following ERASMUS partner universities are available for students of geodesy and geoinformatics. For further information please contact the exchange coordinators of the faculty or the International Office.
University | Country | Placements | B.Sc. | M.Sc. | PhD. |
Universitat Politècnica de Valencia | Spain | 2 | Yes | Yes | |
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Barcelona) | Spain | 2 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Ecole Nationale des Sciences Géographiques (Marne la Vallée (Paris)) | France | 2 | |||
Budapesti Muszaki es Gazdasagtudomanyi Egyetem | Hungary | 2 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Universita degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" | Italy | 2 | Yes | Yes | |
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wroclwiu (Breslau) | Poland | 2 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Universitatea Tehnica de Constructii Bucuresti (Technical University of Bucharest), Facultatea de Geodezie | Romania | 1 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Aalto University School of Engineering | Finland | 2 | Yes | Yes | |
Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi (Istanbul Technical University) | Turkey | 2 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Yildiz Teknik Universitesi (Yildiz Technical University), Geodesy and Photogrammetry Engineering Department | Turkey | 1 | Yes | Yes | Yes |
University of Birmingham | United Kingdom | 1* | Yes | ||
Newcastle University | United Kingdom | 3 | Yes | ||
Politechnika Warszawska | Poland | 2 | |||
Hacettepe University (Ankara) | Turkey | 2 | Yes | Yes | |
*University of Birmingham: In the case of this special Erasmus cooperation, acceptance by the Faculty does not automatically mean final acceptance. If there are more applications than available places (10 for LUH), the International Office will conduct another selection round.
Exchange Coordination, Civil Engineering
Exchange Coordinator

Exchange Coordination, Geodetic Science and Geoinformatics
Exchange Coordinator