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Structural Engineering
Water and Environmental Engineering
Geodesy and Geoinformatics
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Student Council

The Student Council is made up of students from the faculty who promote the interests of the students. They delegate representatives to many different bodies and committees of the faculty, such as the Faculty Council, etc. The student representatives also organise various events, such as orientation days, parties, etc. for all students.

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Gruppenbild des Fachrats BaU vor dem Kasernengebäude Gruppenbild des Fachrats BaU vor dem Kasernengebäude Gruppenbild des Fachrats BaU vor dem Kasernengebäude © Fachrat BaU/Janetzko


Student Council Civil and Environmental Engineering /
Fachrat Bau- und Umweltingenieurwesen

Room 001
Callinstraße 34
30167 Hannover

Tel. 0511 - 762-7495

Geodesy and Geoinformatics

© Fachschaft Geodäsie


Student Council Geodesy and Geoinformatics / Fachschaft Geodäsie und Geoinformatik

Room B205
Nienburger Straße 1
30167 Hannover

The "Fachschaft Geodäsie und Geoinformatik" is mainly concerned with subject-specific matters, e.g. curriculum, examination regulations and PR of the discipline. The student council is also a member of KonGeoS (Conference of Geodesy Students in Germany) and IGSO (International Geodetic Student Organisation). These are the two major associations of geodesy student bodies. Participation in conferences at home and abroad, during the KonGeoS and IGSM leads to regular contact with other student bodies.


Mondays, 6 p.m.

(during the lecture period) in room B205

Glossary Student Self-Administration

Student body (Fachschaft)

All the students of one faculty combined form the student body of a faculty (Fachschaft) of this faculty. Students automatically become members of this body by their enrolment in a degree programme of that faculty.

Faculty Student Body Council/Fachschaftsrat (FSR)

The student body of a faculty elects the faculty student body council (Fachschaftsrat) for a term of two semesters. An FSR represents the interests of the faculty student body university-wide.

Student Council/Fachrat (FR)

Subject sections (Fachgruppen; e.g. Civil and Environmental Engineering, Geodesy and Geoinformatics) are usually subdivisions of one faculty student body. The students of a Fachgruppe constitute the subject section general assembly (Fachgruppenvollversammlung), which elects/advises their student council (Fachrat). Colloquially student councils are often wrongly called "Fachschaft".

Read more about the different bodies and committees of student self-administration.