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Science Night: "Die Nacht, die Wissen schafft"

© FBG/E. Mentzel

Every two years in November, Leibniz University Hannover opens its doors to visitors for a whole evening.

Take a look behind the scenes of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science - with guided tours, lectures and exhibitions.

Children and adults are invited to slip into the role of a civil engineer or a geodesist during hands-on activities.

Die Nacht, die Wissen schafft 2025

8.11.2025 17:00-23:00

more information in autumn 2025

Looking back: Nacht, die Wissen schafft 2023

Insights into civil and environmental engineering:

  •     Guided tours - including wind energy research at the Test Centre for Support Structures.
  •     Experiments - including MicroWind demonstrator, shape memory steel, secrets of the coastal landscape, extremes in the water cycle
  •     Exhibitions - e.g. "Von Nanopartikeln zu Segelflugzeugen und Windkraftanlagen"
  •     Lectures: "Biomechanik der Knochen", "Starkregen und Überflutung - so entstehen Vorhersagen", "Große weiße Flügel: Wie Faserverbunde uns klimaneutral warme Wohnungen und Urlaubsreisen ermöglichen"
  •     Hands-on activities & quiz
  •     Gastronomy: Grill stand

Campus Marienwerder
Merkurstraße 11-13
30419 Hannover

Stadtbahn line 4 (direction Garbsen) to stop "Schönebecker Allee",
continue by shuttle bus (from parking lot at the Stadtbahn stop) or on foot (approx. 5min)

Tip: You can reach the Mechanical Engineering Campus in just a few minutes by shuttle bus or on foot.

© FBG / C. Bierwagen
Aufnahme des Testzentrum Tragstrukturen Hannover Aufnahme des Testzentrum Tragstrukturen Hannover Aufnahme des Testzentrum Tragstrukturen Hannover © FBG / C. Bierwagen
© FBG / C. Bierwagen

Insights into Geodesy and Geoinformatics:

  • How does my smartphone know where I am? (hands-on activity)

  • How does an autonomous car "see" its surroundings? (experiment)

  • Discover the world in VR! (hands-on activity)

  • How do computers "see"? (hands-on activity)

  • Find the optimal route! (hands-on activity)

  • Your body size - accurate to the submillimeter (hands-on activity)

  • What is geodesy? Study at LUH! (Info booth)

Building at the corner Schneiderberg/Nienburger Straße
Nienburger Straße 1
30167 Hannover  

Stadtbahn line 4 (direction Garbsen) or line 5 (direction Stöcken) to stop "Schneiderberg"  

Blick ins 3D-Labor des Geodätischen Instituts Blick ins 3D-Labor des Geodätischen Instituts Blick ins 3D-Labor des Geodätischen Instituts © J. Unger
Das Messdach der Geodäsie bei Nacht Das Messdach der Geodäsie bei Nacht Das Messdach der Geodäsie bei Nacht © J. Unger
At "Nacht, die Wissen schafft" scientists from all faculties show what they research and teach about.