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StartING "Resources and Environment" for new students


We welcome all new students in the master's degree programme "Environmental Engineering - Resources and Environment" at the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodetic Science. Here you will find all important events and documents for starting your studies.



The team of the Dean of Studies' Office - Civil Engineering (Studiendekanat Bauingenieurwesen) will be by your side during the course of your studies. We can help you with all questions concerning the organisation of your studies, problems in and around your studies and also if you do not know exactly who your contact person should be, in certain situations. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Köster is the main contact person if you have any questions that need expertise in the field of Environmental Engineering.

Welcoming Letter from the Dean of Studies' Office
PDF, 642 KB
For your (online) studies you need access to several services and platforms. Please register for this as soon as you have the access data.
Welcoming Event for Students of Track Resources and Environment

Tue 08.04.2025, 9:30 h in room 104 (3407), Callinstr. 34

More services and information

International students are welcomed by the International Office with additional Orientation days.
"Start Smart" accompanies you into the first semester, even before term starts, offering a variety of online events.
Get to know other students - the student council invites you to a campus tour and pub crawl!
Overview of the faculty's locations and useful links for orientation.
To help you get off to a good start with your studies, we provide an overview of the most important online services and support offers.

Your Contact

© FBG/C.Bierwagen
Dean of Studies' Office Civil Engineering
Consultation Hours Mon, 11:00-13:00, by phone via +49 511 762 5982 or +49 511 762 4755
Callinstraße 34
30167 Hannover
© FBG/C.Bierwagen
Dean of Studies' Office Civil Engineering
Consultation Hours Mon, 11:00-13:00, by phone via +49 511 762 5982 or +49 511 762 4755
Callinstraße 34
30167 Hannover